We do the Web Designs.
You do the Imagination.
Our technology strives. No more guessing and stressing.
Just exceptional results.

About Us
What we do?
We are the web builders, we create web solutions suits to your needs.

Why choose us?
We make sure to only use the right themes and plugins. Enabling us to create minimal resources, and handles high traffic easily.

We speak English, Chinese, and Malay natively. We creates multi-language website easily.

Responsive Design
Any Devices
Users can read the website content perfectly on all devices.

Frequently Asked Question
Why we chose to use WordPress?
WordPress is the most used Content Management System (CMS) globally, showing 43.7%* among any other CMS. With it’s strong community, we are able to receive updates frequently, which is important for small business or solo entrepreneur to manage their content securely.
What are the benefits of WooCommerce?
Comparing to other websites or CMS systems, WooCommerce are free and supported by famous provider wordpress.com. The statistic shows 21%* of WordPress uses WooCommerce, which is even larger community compared to Shopify.
If WooCommerce is great, why we should use Shopify?
Compared to WooCommerce, Shopify is a professional e-commerce platform. We are able to focus on selling products due to Hosting, Security, Version, Downtime, Payment Gateway and more are managed by Shopify. We definitely advise any seller to use Shopify as we can have more time to focus on Marketing.
Why we don’t recommend custom coded projects for everyone?
Custom code is great only if you have an in-house team that are high in experience. Not to mention that development of custom code takes at least 5 times more than a well developed CMS. As an example of asking a person to build a device itself or to use a developed device like Apple, Samsung and others. Maintenance will be an issue, as it may cause downtime which affects your client too.
What are the benefits of custom coded projects? Example?
Custom codes project are able to scale further than CMS, as with a great project planning. It enables us to grow the product wider. For example, a company has listing on selling products on their websites. A custom coded scenario can give a more stronger scalability like provide wider services such as Grab, it scales from Taxi to Food, Groceries, Packaging and more. Not only it allows further scaling, we are able to provide web, mobile application, POS services, payment gateway and more via custom coded projects. However, it will definitely take more resources to build and not every company is suitable for this scenario.
How do we maintain best practices?
Our best practices is to provide best services that are available. No matter you are budgeted or not, we always follow the best method to make things easy, lightweight, fast and provide guidance. Other than that, we are always update with knowledge from all sources like Google, Open Source Projects, and learn from mistakes.